Jun 12, 2023, 08:00
Madison Sternberg
Kimball Electronics locations around the world celebrated World Environment Day (June 5) in various ways.

Here is what our Kimball Electronics China (KECN) Environment, Health & Safety Team (EHS) organized:
- EHS team members visited a hazardous disposal plant to study hazardous waste treatment technology and the recycling of energy after waste incineration.
- KECN held a successful competition that encouraged employees to make creative handcrafts with common waste materials found in our lives. "A total of 39 entries were received, including tools, toys, office and home appliances made of waste plastics, wastepaper, etc.," writes Jennifer Bao, Senior EHS Officer, KECN. "Eleven won awards based on voting. All of the winning works were displayed in our canteen and received plenty of recognition by our employees. See a few winners in the photo above.
"Thanks for our employees' involvement and enthusiasm," says Facility Manager Albert Zhang. "The amazing creativity and delicate craftsmanship turned the waste into treasure, glowing brilliantly with vitality!"
"Wow, we have some very creative and talented employees at KECN," says Chris Whann, Director, Safety, Environmental & Facilities, Kimball Electronics. "Great job by the KECN team, and thanks to the EHS team for organizing these activities around World Environment Day!"
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